Strengthening Peace, Security Of Edda DC, My Utmost Priority - Coordinator

The Coordinator, Edda Development Center, Hon Prince Ajunwa Okoroafor (Major) has  revealed his resolve to ensure that the peace and security of the good people of Edda Development Center is adequately strengthened.

He stressed that such move will enhance speedy economic and all round growth and development in the area.

The Coordinator emphasized further that peace and security are essential components of community development as they create a stable environment where individuals can thrive and reach their full potential. 

He maintained that when communities are free from violence, conflict, and fear, they are able to focus on building strong social connections, fostering economic growth, and promoting overall well-being of the people.

Hon Okoroafor opined that Peace and security plays a crucial role in attracting investment, promoting tourism, and creating opportunities for sustainable development and also encourage residents to participate in the social, political and economic activities offered by the safe and secure environment. Additionally, peace and security are important for promoting social cohesion and building trust among community members. When individuals feel safe and protected, they are more likely to work together towards common goals, support one another in times of need, and create a sense of belonging and unity of thought and purpose.

The coordinator of Edda Development Centre, Hon Prince Ajunwa Okoroafor (Mayor)  brought these to fore, during an engagement with the representatives of  Nigeria Army, Nigeria Police Force, Nigeria Civil Defence Corps, State Security Service, Vigilante Groups, Traditional Rulers, community Town Unions and major religious and political stakeholders within Edda Development Centre which he said, was meant to streamline measures and strategies to solidify the relative peace and security and to curb crimes and all forms of criminality in the area.

The meeting which was said to be first of its kind since the creation of the development centre recorded an impressive turn out.

The Coordinator further enumerated the dividends and benefits of peace and security to physical and human capital development and employ every member of the society to help the conventional and unconventional security agencies in bringing peace and securing the environment by reporting every crime and suspicious movements to the relevant bodies for prompt response and action with the mantra "if you see something, say something." 

He pleaded with the people never to compromise the relative peace and security within the DC and beyond nor relegate justice and equality in relations with community members as such may ignite crisis in the area. He further stated that it's important to note that peace and security are not only the absence of violence and conflict, but also the presence of justice, equality, and respect for human rights. Building and maintaining peace and security requires the involvement of various stakeholders, including government agencies, law enforcement, community leaders, and grassroots organizations. He also extended his heartfelt gratitude and goodwill message to the governor of the state, His Excellency Rt Hon Francis Ogbonnaya Nwifuru for his appointment and bringing relative peace and security in Edda clan and Ekoli in particular that'd witnessed worst insecurity and violation of fundamental human rights in its history.

In their separate responses, the representatives of the community welfare unions highlighted their respective challenges and the need for a synergy between the conventional and unconventional security agencies in the area to establish a formidable force and security architecture to eradicate crimes and criminality within the DC and beyond. They also lamented on the negligence to community policing via the local vigilante groups and sounded the need to equip them with the necessary gadgets and mobility for proactive and precautionary response to crime incidence.

On his part, the Divisional Police Officer of Edda Divisional Headquarters, ASP Anthony Iheanachọ expressed his delights on the success so far in bringing a relative peace and security in Edda and reiterated his commitment and conviction in a crime free Edda, where economic and tourist activities will blossom, which will definitely attract investments in the area. 

He further thanked the Governor of the state Rt Hon Francis Ogbonnaya Nwifuru for his dedication and commitment toward peace building and security in the state and also extended same to the traditional institutions and major political stakeholders for their contributions and convictions in making Edda safe and secure. Asst Superintendent William John Mba while delivering his goodwill message from the Nigeria Civil Defence Corps, expressed joy and optimism over the responses from the people and confidently stated that peace and security must be achieved in Edda since the people are ready to embrace peace and promote security, justice and equality within the area. He further admonished our youths and political leaders to stop bringing outsiders to forment trouble in Edda.

In a similar vein,  the Leader of Edda Legislative Council, Hon Orji Uguru Etta, encouraged the community leaders to formally submit their concerns to the Legislative Council for legislation and promise to ensure that every concern will be promptly addressed without hesitation.

The Honourable commissioner of Internal Security Hon Prince Etta Uka Ude well represented by his Personal Assistant Hon Okechukwu Oke Eze encouraged the community leaders to take advantage of the ongoing recruitment of operatives of Nigeria hunters and Forest guards by enrolling qualified members of the communities into the security architecture and structure of the state and federal at large.
HRH Ezeogo John Igwe and his counterpart HRH Ezeogo Dickson Obo expressed satisfaction with the style of governance of the present administration in the state and their readiness to render every moral supports to ensure effective and functional leadership to foster peace and security in the DC and state in general.

There was also a call on parents to monitor the activities and company of their children because every criminal has a family. Hon Mrs Juliet Ama sounded bitterly on the role of some parents in the criminal lifestyle of their children and urge them to take responsibility and control of their homes and leverage on the friendly handshake of the government to rewrite the ugly narration. She further expressed her gratitude to the governor of our dear state, Ebonyi Rt Hon Francis Ogbonnaya Nwifuru for standing firmly with Nde Edda during their darkest moments and for ensuring that peace and security return and restored in the area.

In his closing remark, Hon Prince Ajunwa Okoroafor expressed satisfaction on the level of wisdom and understanding as well as the eagerness exhibited by the people to achieve a formidable peace and security in the area and pledged to always consult them in delivering the governor's People's Charter of Need, which he insisted must be domesticated in the area. "I'm happy because my people are happy the way things are working and I must thank the governor of our dear state Ebonyi Rt Hon Francis Ogbonnaya Nwifuru the builder of our time for taking interest in restoring peace in Edda. God bless him." Hon Prince Ajunwa Okoroafor (Mayor).

In attendance were the honourable Coordinator of Edda Development Centre Hon Prince Ajunwa Okoroafor, Lieutenant Difrekumo, ASP Anthony Iheanachọ, Asst Superintendent William John Mba, HRH Ezeogo John Igwe, HRH Ezeogo Dickson Obo, Rt Hon Oji Uguru Eta, Hon Ogbu Agwu Ejem, Hon Udu Ama, Hon Chief Philip Akanụ, Hon Okechukwu Oke Eze, representative of town unions Elder Idika Akanu (Ekoli Band of Hope Union), Prince Nnachi Olughu(Nguzu), Chief Aloysius Ibe (Umunna) and Surveyor Bldr Kalu Agwu Agha (Libolo), Very Rev. Ụka Okorie and many major stakeholders in the area.

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