Ebonyi Central Senator, Ken Eze, Recieves Royal Blessing

By Our Reporter, Abakaliki

The Senator Representing Ebonyi Central Senatorial Zone and Chairman, Senate Committee on information, Engr Kenneth Chukwuemeka Eze has received a royal blessings from the custodian of culture and tradition of Izzo land held
at Ngamgbo Ebiaji, the cultural center cum headquarters of Orokeonuoha.

The event which took place in early hours of Monday, 29th April 2024 when non of the elders and traditional rulers had brushed their mouths or tasted food is in line with the customs and traditions of Ezza Ezekuna to ensure and guarantee efficiency and efficacy of the blessings. The cultural elders and traditional rulers said that they were moved by the sterling performance of Sen Eze and his avowed commitments to the unity of Ezza Ezekuna.

They specifically commended the Senator for the number of federal jobs he has given our youths, saying that sustainable sources of living will go a long way to curbing youths restiveness among the youths.

All the elders and traditional rulers collectively prayed for the Senator and took turns individually to rain blessings on him. All traditional rulers of Izzo were present at the event. They also took advantage of the event and prayed for H E Rt Hon Francis Ogbonna Nwifuru and blessed him for being an exceptional Governor who remembered them by building mansions for traditional rulers across the state and constructing access roads to their respective homes. They recounted all his people oriented programmes and prayed God to bless Ebonyi state with more of His Excellency Rt Hon Bldr Francis Ogbonna Nwifuru.

Responding, Sen Eze who was visibly overwhelmed thanked the traditional rulers,elders and stakeholders for the uncommon exercise.

 In his words "I'm highly overwhelmed and lack words good enough to clearly express my feelings. Prayers and blessings from elders are spiritual exercises I don't joke with, and I must sincerely thank you all for invoking the blessings of the land upon me. This is  much more than an honour, and I won't take it for granted. This is a homecoming, having grown up here and attended school here, so I feel at home. I want to assure you that I'll return to appreciate you. Let me promise you that I'll continue to make you proud and work hard to ensure that our people get their due shares of dividends of democracy. May God bless and reward you all back individually and collectively" he concluded.

The event was attended by all present and former political officeholders of Izzo extraction in solidarity to the Senator.

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