Celebrating Legislative Imprints Of Ebonyi 7th Assembly Under Rt Hon Moses Ije Odunwa

By  Celestine Okeh, Abakaliki

Ebonyi state House of Assembly on Thursday marked one year anniversary of the 7th Assembly with assurances of continued synergy with the Executive to provide the needed dividends of democracy to people of the state.

The event started with a holy  mass conducted by Rev Fr Peter Agbo of St. Molumbas Catholic Church Abakaliki, which preceded by plenary to mark the anniversary.

Members of the House of Assembly took turns to render account of their legislative stewardship in the last one year in the House in the House.

They commended the State Governor, Chief Francis Ogbonna Nwifuru and the speaker, Rt Hon Moses Ije Odunwa for providing the needed leadership in the state and the House which has made State and the House of Assembly peaceful and progressive.

On his part, the speaker, Rt Hon Moses Ije Odunwa took time to x-ray the lofty achievements of the state House of Assembly in the past one year he has been on the saddle.

His words:

"Let me start by thanking God Almighty, the Author and finisher of our faith whose magninity made it possible for us to be alive to witness this epoch  making event of marking our eventful one year in office as members and Staff of the seventh Assembly of our great State, Ebonyi and his benevolence in leading us this far as a people and critical arm of Ebonyi State Government. 
Again, let me acknowledged that the 7th Assembly has been bedevilled by sudden demise of some Staff including our role model, mother-General and former Clerk of the House, late Mrs. Patricia Okoro Anasi(Nee Agwu) whose sad event occurred on 4th February 2024 after Church Service and was buried on 7th June 2024. 
Dear Honourable members and Staff, your numbers and commitment towards giving her a befitting burial was eloquent testimony of your love and kindness towards her and the family.
May the souls of the departed through the mercy of God rest in peace, Amen.

"As we all know, it was this day last year (13th June, 2023), that the seventh Assembly came into existence by its proclamation as required by law by the State Governor, His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Builder Francis Ogbonna Nwifuru.
That proclamation saw to my emergence as the Speaker and the rest of other Floor Functionaries of the Honourable House when you, our dear colleagues nominated and voted us into our various positions not because we are the best or in anyway better than you but on your convictions that we shall respect, represent and collectively protect your interests.
These you will bear me witness that we have maintained since day one of this Assembly. 
Dear colleagues, note that I am ever grateful and will remain indebted to all of you for this grand opportunity and trust bestowed on me to oversee your affairs together with other Floor Functionaries not mind our imperfections and limitations. I promise never to take it for granted any day, any time.  

"As we gather here today to account for our stewardship for the past 12 calendar months we have operated as State Law makers, let me unequivocally express my profound gratitude to our dear father and leader of the State, His Excellency Rt. Hon. Bldr Francis Ogbonna Nwifuru, the Executive Governor of our dear State for his special interest and  kindness in our welfare especially the brand new Prado Jeep Official Vehicle distributed to all members of the Assembly among other things. We are eternally grateful Sir. 
Let me as well use this medium once again to congratulate him for the successful completion of his first one year in office as the 4th Executive Governor of Ebonyi State and his monumental achievements which has placed the State on the global map in the areas of Education, Health, modern Agriculture, Industrialization, Human Empowerment, Infrastructure, welfare Packages for Ebonyi workers and above all his intentional and deliberate effort in uniting all Citizens of the State which has engendered the robust peace and unity inherent across the 13 LGAs of the State. 
To this I say, may God continue to keep him in health and bequeath him with King Solomon's wisdom as he continues to deliver upon his People's Charter of Needs mandate to Ndi Ebonyi. 

"To you my esteemed Colleagues and ever Committed members of the seventh Assembly, it is indeed belittling to boast of thanking you enough because it is really impossible to do so.
It is because you have all sheath your various Political Party slogans and interest and embrace unity of purpose in character and content to ensure the survival of the seventh Assembly and the State at large bearing in mind that after election comes governance. 
These your have demonstrated in your solidarity, selflessness, respect to the constituted authority, professionalism in discharge of your official duties without fears or favour despite your affiliations to different political parties. 
As it stands today, members of the seventh Assembly influence Ebonyi Culture of brotherhood, hard work and faithfulness as every member is recognised and treated as a bonafide member of the Assembly instead of the party flag they fly.
So for your synergy and unity of purpose in action, I say thank you.
For your support, solidarity and believe in me, I say thank you.
For your professional oversight functions, I say thank you.
And for your interest in advancing the affairs of the State, once again I say, I'm grateful. 

In the past one year, the seventh Assembly could be said to have recorded milestones in the discharge of its statutory functions. 
This is because, among other things, the State seventh Assembly has made sixteen(16) far reaching laws and moved six (6) motions which has direct bearing on the advancement and economic development of the State. 
Some of the laws and motions included the following. 
1. Ebonyi State Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency Law, 2023.
2. Ebonyi State Boundary and Allied Matters Commission Law, 2023.
3. Ebonyi State Rural Access Roads Authority Law, 2023.
4. Ebonyi State Roads Fund Law, 2023.
5. Ebonyi State Drugs and Medical Commodities Management Agency Law, 2023.
6. Ebonyi State Statistics Law, 2023,
7. Ebonyi State Revised Appropriation Law, 2023.
8. Ebonyi State Appropriation Law, 2023.
9. Ebonyi State Physical Planning Permit Regulation Law, 2024.
10. Ebonyi State Urban and Regional Planning and Development Law, 2024.
11. Ebonyi State Building Control Regulation Law, 2024.
12. Ebonyi State Chief Registrars ( Harmonization with the Permanent Secretaries) Law, 2024.
13. Ebonyi State Citizens Mediation Centre Law, 2024. 
14. Ebonyi State Honours (Amendment) Law, 2024. 
15. Ebonyi State Correctional Service and Regulation Law, 2024.
16. Ebonyi State International Airport Law, 2024.
Some of Motions includes; 
(A). A Motion for standing ovation in honour of the Chief Servant of the State, His Excellency Rt. Hon. Bldr. Francis Ogbonna Nwifuru for his outstanding leadership qualities and performance.
(B). A Motion for provision of monthly stipends for Town Union Presidents of the State by Local Government Council Chairmen.
(C). A Motion for the upgrade of the State ten Model Junior Secondary Schools to full operational Secondary Schools.
(D). A Motion for Rehabilitation of the convert along Abakaliki-Enugu Express Way between Master Energy and Jonas Filling Stations Abakaliki to forestall inevitable road Accidents. 
Let me informs us here that the convert was actually a death trap and it leads to my lodge and the lodge of the State Chief Judge but has been properly fixed and currently in use. 
I therefore thank the Ministries and Agencies responsible for that responsive call. 
(E). The House Resolution in respect to the Ebonyi State Independent Electoral Commission's  Local Government Elections 2024 Budget Proposal. Last but not the least,
(F). Motion to ban Masquerading at public places in Ohaukwu LGA of the State aimed at bringing immediate and permanent end to Barbarism in Ikwo Ngwo Market 

"In addition to the above laws and motions, the seventh Assembly also diligently screened and confirmed qualified nominees for appointment into various positions as actors of State  Government in the present administration. 
Let me once again commend Government appointees ranging from Commissioners, SSAs, SAs, Chairmen and members of commissions, Boards, DC Coordinators and Management Committee Members etc for their invaluable contributions towards the success of the People's Charter of Needs policy of Governor Francis Ogbonna Nwifuru. 
To aid the growth and maximum benefit of Ebonyi rural dwellers, the members of the Assembly have collaborated the Better Health for Rural Women, Children and Internally Displaced Persons Foundation (BERWO, the Pet-Project of the wife of the Governor and First Lady of the State Chief Mrs Mary-Maudline Uzoamaka Nwifuru to register minimum of hundred (100) indigent persons into the State Health Insurance Scheme for free access to healthcare service delivery. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, within the year under review, the Assembly has undergone several and Strategic Trainings, Seminars, Workshops and Meetings both within and Outside the State aimed at equipping members and some management Staff of the Assembly with the prerequisite knowledge, information, practical, global and modern approaches for effective and impactful Legislative Business.
In all honesty, let me state categorically that those Trainings and Workshops have in no small measures assisted and will continue to assist us in carrying out our onerous and all important tasks of providing the State and Governor Francis Nwifuru's administration legal backing for the welfare and development of Ebonyi State and the People. 
Please permit me once again to most sincerely appreciate and commend the State Development Partners and Agencies, Namely; USAID-IHP, USAID State-2 State, USAID-Momentium, EBSHIA, DIG, etc for their indispensable roles and resources spent in the training of members and management Staff of the Assembly and plead with them for more trainings. 
Let me also reiterate our commitment to the adoption of global best practices in Law-making through advanced training and workshops in the months and years ahead. 


As we successfully complete our first one year in office through the mercy of God, 
It is my pleasure to announce our resolve to continue to build a bridge of unity and peaceful atmosphere where progress and development shall reign, to continue to aid the administration of Governor Francis Ogbonna Nwifuru by giving accelerated passage to his Executive Bills, to continue to make laws that will impact positively on Ebonyi People, enhance their economic prosperity and Peaceful coexistence of Ndi Ebonyi across the 13 LGAs of the State and its Boarder areas. 
It is also our intention to consolidate on the achievements so far recorded within one year in office by pursuing more vigorous training and skills for a better Service delivery to Ebonyi people. 
In our understanding of our mandate and importance of unity of purpose and positive synergy between the Executive and the Legislature, the seventh Assembly shall continue to remain selfless in the discharge of their duties. As expected and in the benevolence nature of our dear leader and Governor of Ebonyi State, His Excellency Rt. Hon. Francis Ogbonna Nwifuru, we shall soon commence our constituency projects. 
We shall also show resilience in our oversight functions through proper monitoring and project/ financial tracking for effective service delivery. 

"Conclusively, in imitation of an Indian writer NILEKANI who appealed citizen never to remain mere consumers of good governance but rather be participatory as co-creators. 

"We Will continue to make Sacrifices based on our convictions of better Ebonyi State and contributions towards the fullest realization of the dreams of Ebonyi Founding Fathers who sacrificed a lot to ensure the creation of our dear State.
And to our indefatigable leader, the Executive Governor of our Ebonyi State, our assurances is that we shall continue and will ever remain great ally and partners in progress in Ebonyi Project. 
Yes! because you have placed the interest of the State above personal gains, the peace and unity of our people above personal interest, Our pledge is that we will continue to follow your pathway until the work is done to the glory of God and benefit of mankind. 
Thank you all for your kind attention". 

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