IGHUSUF Africa Forge Partnership to Combat Harmful Practices Against Women, Girls in Ebonyi

In a landmark move aimed at safeguarding the rights of women and girls, Inspiring Generation and Humanity Support Foundation (IGHUSUF) Africa, alongside Oganiru Umunwanyi Ebonyi Multi-Purpose Co-operative Society Limited (OGANIRU Umunwanyi Ebonyi) and the National Orientation Agency (NOA) in Izzi and Ebonyi L.G.As, have entered a transformative five-year Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This strategic partnership, which commenced June 14th 2024, marks a significant step towards eliminating Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV), Child, Early, and Forced Marriage (CEFM), Child Abuse, and other harmful practices against women and girls in Ebonyi State.
Aligned with international strategic efforts and frameworks such as the United Nations Joint Partnership Programme on the Elimination of FGM and Sustainable Development Goal 5, the initiative underscores a collective commitment to achieve sustainable gender equality and End FGM by 2030.

The partnership seeks to accelerate progress through community-level interventions, leveraging natural community gatherings, festivals, town hall meetings, worship centers, and other community based calendar activities across Izzi and Ebonyi Local Government Areas.

The "Community Crash Programme" will, among other things, focus on awareness-raising, provision of support services, and advocacy efforts aimed at addressing socio-cultural factors perpetuating the harmful practices. It aims not only to eradicate these practices but also to empower women and girls by promoting their rights and enhancing community capacities to safeguard them.
This collaboration exemplifies a holistic approach towards achieving the rights enshrined in Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women(CEDAW, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, Tlthe Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) (particularly, theChild’s Right Act, Ebonyi State Child’s Rights Law) and Women, Peace, and Security Agenda (UNSCR 1325). As these stakeholders unite to pilot sustainable pathways for change, the initiative promises to catalyze broader societal transformation and uphold the dignity and well-being of women and girls, as well as children in Ebonyi State.

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