A groundbreaking event took place today as Barr. Mrs. Ugo Ama, a renowned advocate for justice and humanity, launched her highly anticipated book, "Widows Backstage," and unveiled the Widows Backstage Empowerment Foundation. The event, which began at 1:00 PM, brought together dignitaries, members of the legal profession, and advocates for social justice to address the plight of widows in society.
The event commenced with an introduction of the distinguished guests, followed by opening remarks delivered by the Chairman of the occasion, represented by Dr. U. S. A. Udu. In her address, Barr. Mrs. Ugo Ama shared the personal story that inspired her work. After the tragic loss of her husband, she faced numerous challenges that opened her eyes to the harsh realities widows endure. This transformative experience fueled her passion for advocacy and led to the creation of the book and foundation.
"Widows Backstage" is more than a literary achievement; it is a movement. The book delves into the struggles widows face, such as stigma, isolation, and economic hardship, while celebrating their resilience and strength. According to Barr. Ama, proceeds from the book and foundation will be channeled directly into supporting widows through skills acquisition programs, financial aid, and other empowerment initiatives.
The State Lead of the Nigerian Bar Association Women Forum (NBAWF), Ebonyi State Chapter, Ngozika N. Ngele, delivered a heartfelt goodwill message, commending Barr. Ama for her vision and commitment. She described the initiative as a clarion call for justice and empowerment, urging female lawyers to not only advocate for the law but also champion the cause of humanity.
“Widowhood is not merely the loss of a loved one; for many, it is an entry into a world of stigma and economic hardship. This book and foundation are bold steps toward changing that narrative,” she said. “Together, we can create a society where no woman suffers in silence and where empowerment is not just an ideal but a reality.”
The event featured several engaging activities, including role plays and interactive sessions with the audience. Giveaway questions added a lively touch, fostering participation and raising awareness about the challenges widows face. The highlight of the day was the official unveiling of the first copy of "Widows Backstage" by the NBAWF Ebonyi State Chapter, symbolizing their unwavering support for the initiative.
The event saw a significant turnout of NBAWF members and other stakeholders, demonstrating solidarity with the vision of empowering widows.
The Widows Backstage Empowerment Foundation aims to address the practical needs of widows while advocating for systemic change. From providing vocational training to offering financial support, the foundation is set to create a ripple effect of hope and transformation in communities across Nigeria.
Barr. Mrs. Ugo Ama emphasized the urgency of the initiative: “This foundation is my commitment to ensuring that no widow has to navigate life’s challenges alone. The support we provide will help them rebuild their lives, reclaim their dignity, and inspire others to join the cause.”
As the event concluded, the audience was reminded of the importance of collective action. The Nigerian Bar Association Women Forum reaffirmed its commitment to celebrating and supporting female lawyers while championing social justice causes like this.
Barr. Mrs. Ugo Ama’s visionary work serves as a beacon of hope, challenging societal norms and empowering women to rise above adversity. The event marked the beginning of a transformative journey for widows across the nation, heralding a brighter and more inclusive future.
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