A groundbreaking event unfolded today in the serene city of Abakaliki, as the much-anticipated book, "Widows Backstage," and the accompanying Widows Backstage Empowerment Foundation were officially launched. The event, held at Monablis Hotel, Abakaliki, brought together a diverse audience of legal professionals, women’s advocates, and community leaders to shine a spotlight on the often-overlooked struggles and resilience of widows in society.
The event commenced at 1:00 PM, with opening remarks delivered by Dr. U. S. A. Udu, who represented the chairman of the occasion. The keynote address by the author, Barr. Mrs. Ugo Ama, set the tone for the day as she passionately introduced her book, "Widows Backstage." The book is a poignant and insightful exploration of the lives of widows, delving into their experiences of stigma, isolation, and economic hardship, while celebrating their resilience and strength.
Barr. Ama’s vision goes beyond the pages of the book. With the launch of the Widows Backstage Empowerment Foundation, she has created a platform that provides widows with the resources, skills, and support they need to rebuild their lives and reclaim their dignity. The foundation also seeks to drive systemic change by advocating for policies that empower widows and protect their rights.
A highlight of the event was the goodwill message delivered by Ngozika N. Ngele, the State Lead of the Nigerian Bar Association Women Forum (NBAWF), Ebonyi State Chapter. Her stirring speech underscored the importance of collective action in addressing the challenges widows face.
“Widowhood is not merely a loss of a loved one; for many, it is an entry into a world of stigma, isolation, and economic hardship,” Ngele noted. She commended Barr. Ugo Ama for her courage and commitment to advocacy, describing the initiative as a “clarion call for justice, equity, and empowerment.” Ngele’s message also rallied female lawyers to champion humanity and lend their voices to the voiceless through the NBAWF platform.
The event was not only about speeches and commendations; it featured engaging role plays that brought to life the realities of widowhood. Giveaway questions added an interactive touch, encouraging participation from the audience. The NBAWF Ebonyi State Chapter also took centre stage in launching a copy of the book, symbolizing their endorsement and commitment to the cause.
A remarkable number of NBAWF members attended the event, showcasing solidarity and the power of collective advocacy. Their presence signified a robust support system for widows, embodying the mission of the empowerment foundation.
Looking ahead as the year 2025 approaches, the NBAWF Ebonyi State Chapter reaffirmed its dedication to celebrating and empowering female lawyers who continue to break barriers in their careers. Ngozika N. Ngele reminded attendees of upcoming programmes designed to highlight their achievements and inspire further excellence.
The launch of "Widows Backstage" and the Widows Backstage Empowerment Foundation is a watershed moment in the fight for widows’ rights and empowerment. It represents the triumph of compassion and action over neglect and injustice. With advocates like Barr. Ugo Ama and organizations like the NBAWF leading the charge, a future where widows no longer suffer in silence but thrive in dignity and empowerment seems not only possible but imminent.
As the curtains drew to a close, the resounding message of the day was clear: Together, we can build a society where justice, equity, and compassion reign supreme.
From Igwe Chikodiri Eze,
PRO, Ebonyi State Ministry of Justice
& Research Assistant to Hon. Attorney General, Ebonyi State
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